Digital Screen Advertisement
Horizontal Digital Screens
The horizontal digital screens in Armstrong is a partnership between the Armstrong Student Center and Campus Services. There are 14 digital screen locations where your student organization or university department can advertise for upcoming events or services. The Armstrong Student Center does not permit posting of event posters on walls, tables, or windows; the two best ways to advertise in the building are through table tents in the dining locations, or our digital screens.
Design Tips
- Size of full-screen ad is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall
- Size of half-screen ad is 960 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall (available to student organizations only)
- Ads should be in .jpg format
- Keep it simple. Double check for errors in spelling, grammar and quality of images
- Design advertisements between 96 dpi and 300 dpi
- Avoid using more than three fonts styles or font size smaller than 16 pt
- Design to be eye-pleasing, eye-catching, and READABLE
- Look before you submit! If your advertisement would not make you attend your event or sign up for your group, you may want to alter your advertisement
- Advertisements not meeting basic design standards may be sent back to the individual/group submitting the advertisement for edits before resubmission
Student Organizations that are advertising their organization, or promoting an event that is defined as free and open to all, can advertise on the Armstrong Student Center half screens for free. If a student organization is advertising an event that charges admission/ticketing, or is promoting an event designed as a fundraiser, the student organization will be charged $25/week for half screens in ASC only or $175 for full screens in Armstrong and all 90 digital screens owned by Campus Services). Note: Student Organizations advertising their organization, or free and open to all events, only receive free screen privileges in Armstrong - to receive access to the 90 screens owned by Campus Services, Student Organizations will need to pay the listed price.
University Departments/Colleges will be charged $175/week for advertising in Armstrong on the full-screen digital screens. This price includes Armstrong screens and all 90 screens owned by Campus Services.
To submit your digital advertisement, visit Campus Services and complete the submission process.