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Species of the Natural Areas

Mammals of the Natural Areas

The following mammals have been observed in the Miami University Natural Areas compiled in 2023 by Dr. Susan Hoffman, Associate Professor of Biology,  with involvement of students in Mammalogy (BIO 410/510). These species have been captured or observed in the Natural Areas; other species may also occur.


List of Mammal Species

Order: Didelphimorphia  

Family: Didelphidae  

  • Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana 

Order: Eulipotyphla  

Family: Soricidae  

  • Northern short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda 

Family: Talpidae  

  • Eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus 

Order: Chiroptera  

Family: Vespertilionidae  

  • Big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus 
  • Eastern red bat, Lasiurus borealis 

Order: Lagomorpha  

Family: Leporidae  

  • Eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus 

Order: Rodentia  

Family: Sciuridae  

  • Eastern gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis 
  • Groundhog, Marmota monax 
  • Fox squirrel, Sciurus niger 
  • Southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans 
  • Eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus

Family: Dipodidae  

  • Meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius 

Family: Cricetidae  

  • Meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus
  • • White-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus 

Order: Carnivora  

Family: Canidae  

  • Coyote, Canis latrans 
  • Gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus
  • • Red fox, Vulpes vulpes 

Family: Procyonidae  

  • Raccoon, Procyon lotor 

Family: Mustelidae  

  • Long-tailed weasel, Neogale frenata 

Family: Mephitidae  

  • Striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis 

Family: Felidae  

  • Bobcat, Lynx rufus 

Order: Artiodactyla  

Family: Cervidae  

  • White-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus

Trees of the Natural Areas

The following trees have been observed in the Miami University Natural Areas compiled in 2023 by Camryn McClelland based on observations of Jim Reid,  Abby Hay, Elea Cooper, Dr. Melany Fisk, and Dr. David Gorchov.

*Indicates species that are not native to North America.

List of Tree Species

Scientific Name Common Name  


Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar  

Pinus resinosa Red pine  

Pinus strobus Eastern white pine  


Acer negundo Boxelder  

Acer nigrum Black maple  

Acer platanoides* Norway maple  

Acer rubrum Red maple  

Acer saccharinum Silver maple  

Acer saccharum Sugar maple  

Aesculus glabra Ohio buckeye  

Alnus glutinosa* European alder  

Asimina triloba Pawpaw  

Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam  

Carya cordiformis Bitternut hickory  

Carya glabra Pignut hickory  

Carya laciniosa Shellbark hickory  

Carya ovata Shagbark hickory  

Carya tomentosa Mockernut hickory  

Celtis occidentalis Common hackberry  

Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud  

Cornus florida Flowering dogwood  

Crataegus spp. Hawthorn  

Fagus grandifolia American beech  

Fraxinus americana White ash  

Fraxinus nigra Black ash  

Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green ash  

Fraxinus quadrangulata Blue ash  

Gleditsia triacanthos Honey locust  

Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky coffeetree  

Juglans cinerea Butternut  

Juglans nigra Black walnut  

Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum 

Liriodendron tulipifera Tuliptree 

Maclura pomifera Osage-orange 

Malus coronaria Sweet crab apple 

Morus rubra Red mulberry 

Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum 

Ostrya virginiana Hophornbeam 

Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 

Populus deltoides Eastern cottonwood 

Prunus serotina Black cherry 

Quercus alba White oak 

Quercus bicolor Swamp white oak 

Quercus coccinea Scarlet oak 

Quercus imbricaria Shingle oak 

Quercus macrocarpa Bur oak  

Quercus muehlenbergii Chinquapin oak 

Quercus rubra Northern red oak 

Quercus velutina Black oak 

Robinia pseudoacacia Black locust 

Salix nigra Black willow 

Sassafras albidum Sassafras 

Tilia americana American basswood 

Ulmus americana American elm 

Ulmus rubra Slippery elm 

Viburnum prunifolium Blackhaw

Fish of the Natural Areas

The following fish species occur within the natural areas, including Four-Mile/Talawanda Creek and Harker’s Run. They have been observed by students using manual collect and release techniques as well as agency surveys. This list was compiled in 2024 by Steve Sullivan, Director of the Hefner Museum of Natural History, and Andor Kiss, Director of the Center for Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics.

Different species of fish use distinct habitats ranging from deep, muddy bottoms to shallow, rocky riffles, and pools to root-filled bank undercuts. All species listed here likely occur in Four-Mile/Talawanda Creek but there may be species we have not yet found. Species with a superscript H have been found in the relatively shallow, oxygenated waters of Harker’s Run.

If you find species that are not on this list or that have not been documented in the Run, the natural area would appreciate photos.

List of Fish Species

Cyprinidae—True Minnows Family  

The most diverse family of vertebrates with more than 1,200 species found worldwide. Sizes range from 1cm to 3 m. They are important food fish for people and wildlife of all kinds.  

Minnows hear well and can communicate through smell and color changes. Lacking a stomach, a  minnow’s diet is determined by the way they process food--with teeth, modified gills, parts of the skull  or pharyngeal (throat) teeth.  

Cyprinus carpio Common Carp (Non-native, introduced in the Formal Gardens. Please don’t dump your pets or bait)  Carassius auratus Goldfish (Non-native, introduced in the Formal Gardens. Please don’t dump your pets or bait) Notropis atherinoides Emerald ShinerH 

Notropis photogenis Silver ShinerH 

Cyprinella spiloptera Spotfin ShinerH 

Luxilus chysocephalus Striped Shiner  

Notemigonus crysoleucas Golden Shiner  

Pimephales notatus Bluntnose MinnowH 

Pimephales promelas Fathead MinnowH 

Phenacobius mirabilis Suckermouth Minnow  

Semotilus altromaculatus Creek ChubH 

Rhinichthys obtusus Blacknose DaceH 

Campostoma anomalum Central Stone roller  

Lythrurus fasciolaris Scarlet Shiner  

Notropis stramineus Sand Shiner  

Campostoma anomalum Central Stoneroller 

Catostomidae—Suckerfish Family  

Found exclusively found in North America (except for a single species) this family was historically an important food source for people.  

Moxostoma sp. RedhorseH  

Moxostoma duquesnei Black Redhorse 

Moxostoma erythrurum Golden Redhorse  

Hypentelium nigricans Northern Hog Sucker  

Catostomus commersonii White Sucker  

Siluriformes—Catfish Order  

Catfish are an economically important group found around the world, primarily in fresh water. They  include some of the heaviest freshwater fish, as well many finger-sized species. Ohio is home to many of the smallest species, the Madtoms, including several undescribed species and a few that are recently  extinct. Catfish whiskers are not dangerous but the spines in front of the fins are very sharp and can be  painfully venomous.  

Ameiurus natalis Yellow Bullhead  

Ameiurus melas Black Bullhead  

Ictalurus furcatus Blue catfish  

Noturus flavus Stonecat Madtom  

Esociformes—Pike and mudminnow Order  

Found throughout the northern hemisphere, many of these (like Muskellunge) are fished for sport,  though some (like Mudminnows) are the size of your finger.  

Umbra limi Central Mudminnow  

Atherinopsidae--Neotropical Silverside Family  

This family is found in both tropical and temperate waters, in both salt and fresh water. Despite this,  human activity that stirs up sediment and changes water temperature has caused a precipitous decline  in their populations.  

Labidesthes sicculus Brook Silverside  

Poeciliidae—Tooth-carp Family 

This family includes the guppies, which give birth to live young (rather than eggs, as in most fish.) Among  these, the Mosquitofish has been introduced widely throughout the world (including Ohio) due to its  supposed ability to control mosquitoes. Unfortunately, this species injures native species, most of which  would be equally good at eating aquatic pests.  

Gambusia affinis Western Mosquitofish (introduced invasive)  

Centrarchidae—Sunfish Family  

This group includes popular sportfish that are native to Eastern North America. They have also been  introduced into the western United States and worldwide, where they may damage local fish diversity  and habitats.  

Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill SunfishH 

Lepomis cyanellus Green SunfishH 

Lepomis hybrid Green Sunfish/Bluegill hybridH 

Micropterus salmoides Largemouth Bass  

Micropterus dolomieui Smallmouth BassH  

Pomoxis annularis White Crappie  

Ambloplites rupestris Rock Bass  

Lepomis megalotis Longear Sunfish  

Percidae—Perch Family  

This family includes popular sportfish like Perch and Walleye that are found throughout the northern  hemisphere, as well as the small but colorful Darters that are only found in North America, mostly in the  Eastern United States. Many of these species are as colorful as marine fish.  

Etheostoma zonale Banded DarterH 

Etheostoma flabellare Fantail Darter  

Etheostoma caeruleum Rainbow DarterH 

Percina caprodes Logperch Darter  

Percina maculata Blackside DarterH  

Etheostoma nigrum Johnny Darter  

Etheostoma spectabile Orangethroat DarterH  

Etheostoma blennioides Greenside DarterH

Birds of the Natural Areas

This checklist was developed by Dr. David Russell for Ornithology class, and is in a form for an observer to print out and record his/her own observations. The species marked with X in this checklist have been seen by Dr. Russell in the Miami University Natural Areas between 1993 and 2024. Some of these pass through only briefly during migration.

List of Bird Species

1. Anatidae 7. Apodidae Pelecanidae 25. Vireonidae 34. Sturnidae 39. Parulidae
Snow Goose Chimney Swift American White Pelican White-eyed Vireo European Starling X Ovenbird X
Ross's Goose 8. Trochilidae 16. Ardeidae Yellow-throated Vireo X Bombycillidae Worm-eating Warbler
G. White-frnted Goose Ruby-thro Hmingbird American Bittern Blue-headed Vireo X Cedar Waxwing X Louisna Waterthrush X
Cackling Goose 9. Rallidae Great Blue Heron X Philadelphia Vireo X 35. Passeridae Northern Waterthrush X
Canada Goose Virginia Rail Great Egret Warbling Vireo X House Sparrow X Golden-wngd Warbler X
Mute Swan Sora Snowy Egret Red-eyed Vireo X Motacillidae Blue-winged Warbler X
Tundra Swan Common Gallinule Little Blue Heron 26. Corvidae American Pipit X Black n white Warbler X
Trumpeter Swan American Coot Green Heron X Blue Jay X 36. Fringillidae Prothonotary Warbler X
Wood Duck 10. Gruidae Black-crwd Night-Heron American Crow X House Finch Tennessee Warbler X
Blue-winged Teal Sandhill Crane 17. Cathartidae Alaudidae Purple Finch X Orange-crwd Warbler X
Northern Shoveler 11. Charadriidae Black Vulture X Horned Lark X Pine Siskin X Nashville Warbler X
Gadwall Black-bellied Plover Turkey Vulture X 27. Hirundinidae American Goldfinch X Connecticut Warbler
American Wigeon Am. Golden-Plover 18. Pandionidae Purple Martin X Calcariidae Mourning Warbler X
Mallard Semipalmated Plover Osprey X Tree Swallow X Lapland Longspur Kentucky Warbler X
American Black Duck Killdeer 19. Accipitridae N.Rough-wgd Swallow X Snow Bunting Common Yellowthroat X
Northern Pintail 12. Scolopacidae Bald Eagle X Bank Swallow X 37. Emberizidae Hooded Warbler X
Green-winged Teal Stilt Sandpiper Northern Harrier X Cliff Swallow X Eastern Towhee X American Redstart X
Canvasback Dunlin Sharp-shinned Hawk X Barn Swallow X American Tree Sparrow X Cape May Warbler X
Redhead Baird's Sandpiper Cooper's Hawk X 28. Paridae Chipping Sparrow X Cerulean Warbler
Ring-necked Duck Least Sandpiper Red-shouldered Hawk X Carolina Chickadee X Field Sparrow X Northern Parula X
Greater Scaup White-rpd Sandpiper Broad-winged Hawk X Tufted Titmouse X Vesper Sparrow Magnolia Warbler X
Lesser Scaup Pectoral Sandpiper Red-tailed Hawk X 29. Sittidae Savannah Sparrow X Bay-breastd Warbler X
Surf Scoter Semiplmtd Sandpiper Rough-legged Hawk Red-breastd Nuthatch X Grasshopper Sparrow Blackburnian Warbler X
White-winged Scoter Short-billd Dowitcher 20. Strigidae White-brsted Nuthatch X Henslow's Sparrow Yellow Warbler X
Black Scoter Long-billd Dowitcher Eastern Screech-Owl X Certhiidae Fox Sparrow X Chstnt-sided Warbler X
Long-tailed Duck American Woodcock Great Horned Owl X Brown Creeper X Song Sparrow X Blackpoll Warbler X
Bufflehead Wilson's Snipe Barred Owl X 30. Troglodytidae Lincoln's Sparrow X Black-th Blue Warbler X
Common Goldeneye Spotted Sandpiper Short-eared Owl House Wren X Swamp Sparrow X Palm Warbler X
Hooded Merganser Solitary Sandpiper 21. Alcedinidae Winter Wren X White-throatd Sparrow X Pine Warbler X
Common Merganser Lesser Yellowlegs Belted Kingfisher X Sedge Wren White-crownd Sparrow X Yellow-rmpd Warbler X
Red-brsted Merganser Greater Yellowlegs 22. Picidae Marsh Wren Dark-eyed Junco X Yellow-thro Warbler X
Ruddy Duck Wilson's Phalarope Red-hded Woodpecker X Carolina Wren X Prairie Warbler X
Odontophoridae Red-bllied Woodpecker X Polioptilidae Icteriidae Black-thr Grn Warbler X
Northern Bobwhite 13. Laridae Yellow-bllied Sapsucker X Blue-gray Gnatcatcher X Yellow-breasted Chat X Canada Warbler X
2. Phasianidae Bonaparte's Gull Downy Woodpecker X 31. Regulidae 38. Icteridae Wilson's Warbler X
Wild Turkey Laughing Gull Hairy Woodpecker X Golden-crownd Kinglet X Bobolink
3. Podicipedidae Franklin's Gull Northern Flicker X Ruby-crowned Kinglet X Eastern Meadowlark X
Pied-billed Grebe Ring-billed Gull Pileated Woodpecker X 32. Turdidae Orchard Oriole X 40. Cardinalidae
Horned Grebe Herring Gull 23. Falconidae Eastern Bluebird X Baltimore Oriole X Summer Tanager X
Red-necked Grebe L. Black-backed Gull American Kestrel X Veery X Red-winged Blackbird X Scarlet Tanager X
4. Columbidae G. Black-backed Gull Merlin Gray-cheeked Thrush X Brown-headed Cowbird X Northern Cardinal X
Rock Pigeon Caspian Tern Peregrine Falcon Swainson's Thrush X Rusty Blackbird X Rose-brstd Grosbeak X
Eurasn Collared-Dove Common Tern 24. Tyrannidae Hermit Thrush X Common Grackle X Blue Grosbeak
Mourning Dove Forster's Tern Eastern Wood-Pewee X Wood Thrush X Indigo Bunting X
5. Cuculidae 14. Gaviidae Yellow-bellied Flycatcher X American Robin X Dickcissel
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Red-throated Loon Acadian Flycatcher X 33. Mimidae
Black-billed Cuckoo Common Loon Willow Flycatcher X Gray Catbird X
6. Caprimulgidae 15. Phalacrocoracidae Least Flycatcher X Brown Thrasher X
Common Nighthawk Dble-cre Cormorant Eastern Phoebe X Northern Mockingbird X
Great Crested Flycatcher X
Eastern Kingbird X
AREI 2018