Robbyn Abbitt (Geography)
Fall, 2022
Miami's Geographic Information System (GIS) program is rooted in application.
Fall, 2022
Miami's Geographic Information System (GIS) program is rooted in application.
Fall 2024
Effects of an invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, and a generalist herbivore, white-tailed deer, on forest floor plant community composition.
Fall, 2022
The focus of my lab group's research in southwest Ohio is on understanding what streams were like prior to European settlement.
Summer, 2014
For our bird research, we band birds, assign them numbers, capture lots of data about them; we monitor them year after year for how many return and what birds use the areas.
Spring, 2023
We are studying small mammal adaptations to winter cold, as well as the importance of native habitats for stopovers of migrating songbirds.
Spring, 2023
In Ecology of North America (BIO 176), we explore natural landscapes. One of the best ways to do this is to get outside, and use our senses of smell, sight, sound, and touch.
Fall, 2022
My project focuses on the individual and interactive effects of white-tailed deer and invasive plants on tree regeneration: both natural regeneration and artificial regeneration of planted seedlings.
Spring, 2023
In the spirit of protecting and enriching the Natural Areas, the Miami University Botanical Society (MUBS) is helping to mitigate the spread of Amur honeysuckle.
Each spring, students and staff from the Myaamia Center and students and staff from the Western Program tap ten sugar maple trees in Peabody Woods.
Spring, 2023
The Outdoor Pursuit Center uses the Miami Natural Areas for both teaching and teambuilding.
An art-integrated science lesson for parents and kids, created by Kelli Scarpa (class of 2018), as part of coursework in ART 395: Art Across the Curriculum, Stephanie Danker, instructor.