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Peer Health Educators


HAWKS Peer Health Educators

HAWKS work toward the goal of helping students develop the tools needed for making informed choices, achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and functioning more effectively with others and in groups.


SIV Peer Educators

The SIV Peer Educators teach their peers and host events on topics related to sexual violence, domestic violence, healthy relationships, sexual health, consent, and survivor support.


Mental Health Peer Educators

The Mental Health Peer Educators are a group of dedicated students who educate their peers on suicide prevention and mental health topics, including QPR. 

QPR stands for QuestionPersuade, and Refer. QPR is a simple education program to teach people how to recognize a mental health emergency and get someone the help the need. 

What can Peer Health Educators provide?

Peer health educators present programs on a variety of requested health related topics to student groups, residence halls, and academic classes (see Programs). Alcohol is a pervasive issue on college campuses and our programs addressing healthy lifestyles, sexual decision making, and bystander intervention include a component addressing the impact of alcohol use, how to determine what is low risk, and how to get help for a yourself or a friend.

Peer health education is ideal for:

  • RAs or academic classes looking for interesting programs;
  • Chapter officers in need of ideas and presentations for training or programming;
  • Student organizations or other groups looking for an event co-sponsor.

Student Wellness

The Office of Student Wellness provides educational resources and services that promote the health and wellness of Miami students. Our staff of professionals and peer educators work to raise awareness, coordinate programming initiatives, and influence policy that results in healthy choices.

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Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility
421 South Campus Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
HAWKS Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.