Student Information
Prior to Scheduling
Students must have requested their accommodations/Faculty Notification Letters for that semester's classes through the Students Accessing Miami (SAM) system (where students' documents for SDS registration, semester faculty notification letters, and Testing Center Agreement with faculty are processed) and meet with each faculty about their accommodations.
This must be done each semester as courses and instructors change for each semester
Faculty must submit the Testing Center Agreement before any exams are able to be scheduled.
Students must be able to provide the following information to schedule an exam:
- Name
- Miami email address
- Name of the class for the exam
- Instructor’s name
- Instructor’s email address
- Which of their approved accommodations they are using for the exam
- Any additional accommodations needed (reading assistance, etc.)
Your instructor should provide any additional information regarding the exam when submitting the exam either through SAM or by email to
- All exams MUST be scheduled at least 2 full business days prior to the exam date.
- Before scheduling an exam, please be sure to have all of the information above, as well as the time you will be taking the exam.
- Exams are scheduled between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Thursday through Friday.
- All exams must be completed (including any time accommodation) by the end of Testing Center hours listed below
- Monday - 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Tuesday - 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Wednesday - 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
- Thursday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday - Closed
- All exams must be completed (including any time accommodation) by the end of Testing Center hours listed below
- Exams are scheduled on an as-available basis and in accordance to the testing space available.
- Exams should be scheduled with the RLC Testing Center at the same day/time that the exam is scheduled in class unless an alternate agreement is made with faculty.
- Students can schedule an exam in the Students Accessing Miami (SAM) system or by calling the RLC Testing Center at 513-529-8715.
- Students will need to schedule their exam at least two full business days in advance of their desired exam time (business days are Monday through Friday and do not include Saturday or Sunday).
- Instructors are responsible for getting exams to the RLC Testing Center the day before the scheduled exam. If we do not receive the exam in a timely manner, you will be notified and we may need to reschedule your exam for a later day or time.
- Exams proctored by the RLC Testing Center have a maximum length of four hours.
- Students must schedule each exam themselves; faculty, parents, or others cannot schedule on a student's behalf.
Rescheduling and Cancellations
- Students who need to reschedule their exam can do so in the SAM (Students Accessing Miami) system or by contacting the RLC Testing Center directly. The system will send an email to your professor alerting them to the fact the exam scheduled has changed.
- Students who need to cancel their exam time should do so in SAM or by contacting the office as soon as possible.
Taking Tests
- Students are required to bring photo identification to the exam. We need this to verify your identity. This can be in the form of the digital Miami ID, physical Miami ID, drivers license, state ID, etc.
- During the exam, unless explicitly stated by your professor, no materials beyond those provided by the instructor will be allowed into the testing room. All other materials will be stored in our front office while you are taking the exam.
- Typical items not allowed in the testing room (unless specified by faculty) include cell phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, other electronic equipment, hats, coats, scrap paper, and backpacks.
- Testing rooms are passively monitored and recorded at all times during the exam session via closed circuit camera. Any potentially dishonest behavior will be reported to the instructor when the exam is returned to them.
- As the exam proctoring is recorded, faculty members are allowed to view the video of you taking the exam if they have any concerns about your exam.
- Students will be provided a timer for their exam. This timer will flash at their allotted exam time’s end.
- It is the student's academic responsibility to stop the exam when allotted time is up (as evidenced by the rapidly flashing time display on the timer) and bring the exam back to the RLC Testing Center front office.
- Any scratch paper or notes sheets used during the exam will be collected.
- After completing the exam, students are responsible for delivering their completed exam to their instructor (unless otherwise instructed). This exam will be sealed in a confidential, tamper-evident envelope. Any tampering with the contents of the envelope prior to submission could be seen as academic dishonesty.