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Fire Safety

Most students have never lived for an extended period of time in a community living situation such as the residences. Even though we have direct-wired smoke detectors in all residential spaces and fire suppression sprinklers in most of our residential spaces, it is still important to emphasize fire safety for all members of our communities.

Fire Safety Education

There are several initiatives in place to help first-year students learn about fire safety in residence halls.

On-Line Fire Safety and Active Shooter training

In August, students are emailed a link to an on-line class in Canvas that covers policies and safety strategies. All students are expected to complete the training before move-in day.


Signs are posted throughout the residence halls reminding students of fire safety policies and practices.

Emergency Evacuation Drills

The Department of Environmental Safety and Risk Management conducts a number of emergency evacuation drills each year as required by Ohio state law. These drills typically take place during the day and may have a compliance component to ensure all residents have left the building. Emergency alarm equipment is typically assessed during the drills.

Microwave Oven Use

Microwave use: one of the greatest threats to residence hall fire safety.

Really? Microwave ovens cause fires? No. Not usually. Follow this reasoning for why microwaves are a threat to fire safety:

  1. A student improperly uses a microwave and:
    1. Burns popcorn by leaving it unattended.
    2. Burns mac-n-cheese by not adding water.
  2. The smoke from the microwave activates the building fire alarm.
  3. Everybody has to evacuate the building and the Oxford Fire Department has to respond, every time.
  4. Students hear that the evacuation (often at 2 a.m.) was caused by microwave misuse.
  5. Students become desensitized to the alarm - and may decide to not evacuate next time. That's the threat!

Students must always stay with the microwave when in use. Students should not rely on the "popcorn" button on the microwave. Students should always follow the instructions on the package. 

Warfield Hall
Contact Us

Office of Residence Life

211 Warfield Hall
451 East Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056