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Refer a Student

Common concerns or issues that might indicate appropriateness of Student Counseling Service (SCS) include:

  • Reference to suicide
    • All references to suicide need to be taken seriously. It is all right to ask directly, "Are you having thoughts about suicide?" If the student's response is affirmative, a call to consult with SCS is warranted. If a student talks about or alludes to details of how, when, and where of a suicidal plan, immediate consultation and referral is critical.
  • Changes in mood/behavior
  • Depression
  • Learning problems (may indicate underlying problems)
  • Career concerns
  • Retention issues

When You Might Not Want to Deal with it Yourself

  • The problem feels too much for you to deal with.
  • You know the student in a non-professional way (friend, relative, neighbor).
  • You don't feel you will be of help to them.
  • The student seems hesitant to talk with you about it.
  • The student asks for a referral.

How to Refer

  • Let the student know specifically what it is that you are concerned about.
  • Make it clear that your referral represents your best judgment about what would be of help to them.
  • Let them know what they could expect if they were to come in.
  • Let them know that they, of course, have the right not to take the referral.

If They Do Agree to the Referral

  • Have them call SCS to make the appointment or call with them present.
  • If they are unable to come in on their own, call the SCS for assistance.
  • It is good to follow up with the student to let them know that you are interested in how things are going (you don't have to pry).
  • After the student's appointment, SCS cannot discuss their case with you without a release of information signed by the student.
  • If they do not agree to the referral and you are concerned for their safety, call SCS and consult with a staff member.

What Happens When They Come In

  • Students will schedule an initial appointment, usually within the week (can do this same day if an emergency).
  • Students will meet with a counselor to discuss the presenting issues, usually about one hour.
  • The counselor will help the student get connected with appropriate services.


During the day, there are emergency time slots for students in immediate need, and students can typically be seen that day. Simply call or have the student call SCS at 513-529-4634.

For urgent consultations outside of business hours, please contact the H.O.P.E. Line at 855-249-5649, a 24-hour hotline staffed by crisis specialists.

For life-threatening emergencies, please call 911.

Responding to Disturbing Content in Student Work

The Student Counseling Service (SCS) provides consultation to faculty with respect to questions faculty may have about the mental health status of students; especially questions of dangerousness to self or others based upon disturbing writings or other class products of students. A counselor may be reached by calling the SCS main number at 513-529-4634; a counselor will either take your call immediately or will call you back as soon as possible. If you believe it may be an emergency situation, let the secretary know this and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible. You are also invited to email the director or other staff members. If there is a question of imminent danger, call University Police immediately at 513-529-2222.

There may be occasions when it is appropriate to obtain additional information about the student in question, or have him/her come to the SCS for evaluation. In such cases, the necessary steps will be taken to arrange this. In accordance with the requirements of confidentiality, it will not be possible for the SCS to reveal any clinical data that may exist regarding the student - or even if the student is a client. We will, however, consult with you and provide some suggestions for follow-up.

The central question will be to determine if the student's expressions are evidence of severe mental illness, if the student is a danger to self or others, or if some type of treatment or intervention is warranted. Whenever appropriate, the SCS will work closely and consult with the Dean of Students and University Police.

Such consultations and/or assessments sometimes reveal the existence of an emotional problem. At other times, however, we have found that some students were unaware that they had created a problem for others. Irrespective of the student's understanding of the impact their work has on others, it is important and appropriate to evaluate aberrant or potentially dangerous student expression and, if necessary, intervene.

Some Suggestions on How to Respond

While at times the worst response is no response, in most cases, you do not need to respond immediately to email, notes, or calls from the student if you do not feel comfortable doing so. It is suggested that you consult with your department chair, Office of Community Standards (513-529-1417), Office of the Dean of Students (513-529-1877), or Student Counseling Service before responding to the student. Often faculty or teaching assistants respond to students in an enabling way, sometimes in an effort to let the student down easily. It is recommended that you refrain from making promises, commitments, or personal comments in your response to the student.

Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility

Student Counseling Service

Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness Facility
421 South Campus Ave.
Oxford, Ohio 45056
513-529-4634 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Instagram Facebook