Make an Impact
Career/Employer Engagement
Be on a Panel or Facilitate a Workshop/Program
Throughout the academic year, Miami sponsors a number of career panels and workshops/programs during which alumni speak about select fields. By participating in these events, alumni help students understand the job market, industry trends, various career paths in their field of study, and what they can expect after graduation. Contact our Employer Relations Team to get involved.
Participate as a Mock Interviewer
We have a great Mock Interview program that allows students to sharpen their interviewing skills, reduce anxiety, and receive feedback before an actual job interview. Contact Nella Sutyniec, Assistant Director of the Mock Interview Program, at to become as a Mock Interviewer.
Host a Group of Students at Your Place of Employment
This is an invaluable career development experience for students. By meeting with alumni and other members of your staff, students will gain real-world knowledge that will allow them to relate their field of study to their eventual career choices. They will also learn more about your organization as a potential employer. Contact our Employer Relations Team to participate in this program.
Post a Job or Internship
If you are interested in bringing talented students and alumni into your organization through job postings on Handshake, contact Melissa Brown, Data Coordinator, at You can also connect with Miami students through Career Fair and On-Campus Recruiting opportunities.
Miami Alumni Connect
Be a Mentor/Find a Mentor: Miami Alumni Connect is an online mentorship platform designed to help Miamians make meaningful connections. Alumni can mentor or advise students or other alumni, make professional contacts, participate in groups, and browse jobs. Mentors control availability and participation while mentees can choose their potential advisers. Join the 3,000+ alumni who have already signed up.
Share your Experience with Other Students
The Center for Career Exploration and Success is looking for alumni to connect with current students. You can share your experience, perspective, and advice in a variety of ways.
"To think that in such a place, I led such a life."