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Testing Center Agreement

In some instances you may be asked to complete a Testing Center Agreement. If applicable, this information will be included when you receive the Faculty Notification Letter. You will be prompted to complete an agreement for each course section you are teaching with at least one student who is eligible for a testing accommodation.

The purpose of the agreement is to provide testing center staff with pertinent information necessary to proctor exams. Only one agreement needs to be completed for each course section. The provided information pertains to all affiliated SDS students enrolled in the course section. You can review or modify the agreement by visiting your SAM: Students Accessing Miami Faculty Portal or contacting the testing center on your campus.

Exam Dates

Adding Exam Dates For the First Time

When initially completing a Testing Center Agreement, after you have entered the necessary information, select Submit And Continue To Specify Exam Dates. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Enter Exam Details.
    • Type
    • Approval Method
      • Approve If Scheduled on the Specified Date and Time
      • Approve If Scheduled on the Specified Date
      • Approve If Scheduled on Any Date
    • Date
    • Standard Length of Exam (in Minutes)
    • Additional Note for Staff
  2. Enter Exam Date Instructions as necessary.
    • Exam date instructions allow you to specify specific information for the individual exam date you would like to share with the testing center.
  3. Upload Exam File as necessary.
  4. Select Save Exam Date.

Adding Additional Exam Dates During the Semester

As the semester progresses and you identify additional dates you plan on giving assessments (i.e. quizzes, exams, midterm, final), you will need to add additional exam dates. Follow these steps:

  1. Log into your SAM: Students Accessing Miami Faculty Portal.
  2. Review of the access policy and select Continue to View Student Accommodations.
  3. From the left-hand side Home menu, select Testing Accommodations.
  4. Select Testing Agreement from the top right menu.
  5. Locate the course. You may use the Navigate To filters as needed.
  6. Select View/Modify Testing Agreement.
  7. Select List Exam Dates.
  8. Add Additional Exam Date.


Remote Proctoring of Exams

SDS recognizes that faculty members may choose to use remote proctoring software to administer exams. Students with testing accommodations may choose to use the Testing Center to take exams that are remotely proctored. Certain considerations are needed in order to ensure the accessibility of remotely proctored exams.

What accessibility guidelines should I follow for Proctorio?

Proctorio may be used to monitor exams but there are specific accessibility considerations. The application presents barriers for screen reader users, text-to-speech software users, and people with limited mobility if settings are not adjusted properly. For students with an "Exams in Accessible Format" accommodation, use one of these two solutions:

Option 1

Use the Exam Flexibility feature available through the Moderate Quiz options in Canvas to turn off Proctorio for individual students in your course. Review Enable Proctorio Exam Flexibility Video for instructions. The student should then take the exam in the testing center or an alternate proctored setting.

Option 2

To address accessibility concerns in Proctorio, the following setting adjustments must be made:

  1. Turn off all Lock Down Options.
  2. Turn off the Record Room Recording Option.
  3. Turn off the Verify ID Verification Option.

Text to speech software will not integrate with any of the Lock Down features. Users with limited mobility cannot independently use the ID Verification and Room Scan features.

You will still have access to remaining monitoring features including record video, audio, screen and web traffic. You can make the setting adjustments for the entire class or duplicate the quiz and use the Assign a Quiz to an Individual Student to make the quiz with recommended accessibility settings available only for eligible students.

For more information regarding Testing Center procedures, please contact:

Hamilton Campus

Student Disability Services
Rentschler Hall Room 130 
Phone: 513-785-3211

Middletown Campus

Student Disability Services
Johnston Hall Room 14A 
Phone: 513-727-3312

Aerial View of the Oxford Campus
Contact Us

The Miller Center for Student Disability Services

304 Shriver Center
701 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056