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Miami Events Calendar System Policies


The Miami Events Calendar System is Miami University's online system for event information. With Miami Events, members of the Miami community and other visitors can take advantage of the breadth of university events—from lectures and concerts to athletics and exhibitions.

The Miami Events website is developed and maintained by IT Services, and content is managed by University News and Communications.

What events can be posted?

All events must have a Miami sponsor. Events to be posted to the Oxford Events, Hamilton Events, or Middletown Events sites must also be held at a campus location and remain open to a segment of the Miami community or to the public. (Parties will not be posted.)

How do I submit an event?

While some groups may choose a designated calendar editor to submit events, events can be submitted by anyone with a valid MUnet ID and password. Submissions must be approved by an events site administrator, calendar editor, or the system administrator.

Please refer to the Site/Channel Directory for a listing of individual events sites.

The calendar system administrator reserves the right to edit all titles and content of submitted events.

When will events be posted?

Generally, events will be posted within one to two working days of submission.

What are the sponsorship restrictions for events on campus?

A Miami sponsor must organize and assume responsibility for the event. The following groups may serve as a Miami sponsor:

  • Academic department, center, or program
  • Administrative office
  • Student organization registered with the Associated Student Government
  • Student organization registered through the Division of Student Affairs (such as Greek organizations)

What are "Featured Events"?

Featured Events appear on Miami's homepage and the Featured Events channel. Although a maximum number of three events may be featured on the homepage simultaneously, an unlimited number may be marked as “Featured” and appear on the Featured Events channel.

Featured Events must meet the following requirements:

  • The event is not a regular business meeting (with the exception of Board of Trustees meetings).
  • The venue accommodates at least 25 people.
  • The event is open to a large segment of the Miami community or to the general public.

The calendar system administrator reserves the right to determine which events are featured on the homepage.

What if my group wants to have its own Events site or channel within the Miami Events system?

Contact the calendar system administrator at